I'm wondering if a rolling forecast technique like the ones mentioned in Rob Hyndman's blogs, and the example below, could be used to select the order for an ARIMA model?
In the examples I've looked at, like the ones below, it seems like the order of the ARIMA model is already specified, or is determined once by auto.arima and then the single model is evaluated using the forloop in the rolling forecast.
I'm wondering how you could use the rolling forecast technique to select the order of the ARIMA model. If anyone has a suggestion or example, that would be great.
Examples: http://robjhyndman.com/hyndsight/tscvexample/ http://robjhyndman.com/hyndsight/rolling-forecasts/
h <- 5
train <- window(hsales,end=1989.99)
test <- window(hsales,start=1990)
n <- length(test) - h + 1
fit <- auto.arima(train)
fc <- ts(numeric(n), start=1990+(h-1)/12, freq=12)
for(i in 1:n)
x <- window(hsales, end=1989.99 + (i-1)/12)
refit <- Arima(x, model=fit)
fc[i] <- forecast(refit, h=h)$mean[h]
Pseudo code:
h <- 5
train <- window(hsales,end=1989.99)
test <- window(hsales,start=1990)
n <- length(test) - h + 1
##Create models for all combinations of p 10 to 0, d 2 to 0, q 10 to 0
fit1 <- Arima(train, order=c(10,2,10)
fit2 <- Arima(train, order=c(9,2,10)
fit3 <- Arima(train, order=c(8,2,10)
fit10 <- Arima(train, order=c(0,2,10)
fc1 <- ts(numeric(n), start=1990+(h-1)/12, freq=12)
fc2 <- ts(numeric(n), start=1990+(h-1)/12, freq=12)
fc3 <- ts(numeric(n), start=1990+(h-1)/12, freq=12)
fc10 <- ts(numeric(n), start=1990+(h-1)/12, freq=12)
for(i in 1:n)
x <- window(hsales, end=1989.99 + (i-1)/12)
refit1 <- Arima(x, model=fit1)
refit2 <- Arima(x, model=fit2)
refit3 <- Arima(x, model=fit3)
refit10 <- Arima(x, model=fit10)
fc1[i] <- forecast(refit1, h=h)$mean[h]
fc2[i] <- forecast(refit2, h=h)$mean[h]
fc3[i] <- forecast(refit3, h=h)$mean[h]
fc10[i] <- forecast(refit10, h=h)$mean[h]
##Calculating mape for forecasts
##Return the order of the Arima model that has the lowest mape