In the boxplot()
function in R, there exists the log =
argument for specifying whether or not an axis should be on the log scale.
To me, if I choose this option (specify log = "y"
as an argument), the shape of the box-plot should look the same as if I manually transform the data first with the log, then plot that log-transformed data (I recognize the labels on the axis will be different, but I'm referring to the shape of the plot). However, this isn't the case.
Here is a simple working example:
data <- rlnorm(300, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1)
boxplot(data) # Highly skewed right raw data
boxplot(data, log="y") # Data on log scale; less right-skewed
boxplot(log10(data)) # Log base 10-transform data; shape not the same as when specify log="y"
boxplot(log(data)) # Natural log and base 10 give same shape plot (just different axis labels)
Why is this so?