Manual calculation of Mahalanobis Distance is simple but unfortunately a bit lengthy:
>>> # here's the formula i'll use to calculate M/D:
>>> md = (x - y) * LA.inv(R) * (x - y).T
In other words, Mahalanobis distance is the difference (of the 2 data vecctors)
multiplied by the inverse of the covariance matrix multiplied by the transpose of the difference (of the same 2 vectors, x & y)
>>> # your 2 data points whose Mahalanobis distance you wish to calculate
>>> x = NP.mat("1 1 1 1")
>>> y = NP.mat("2 1 1 1")
>>> # not enough data supplied in the OP to properly calculate covariance matrix,
>>> # so we'll make some up--a 10 rows of data points of same dimension as x & y
>>> #partition your data into classes (e.g., if you have two classes,
>>> # put all class I data points in one array & all class II points in another)
>>> # for instance pretend 'a' below is the matrix of of your data points
>>> (like x & y) all assigned to the same class
>>> a = NP.random.randint(0, 5, 40).reshape(10, 4)
>>> a
array([[1, 2, 2, 1],
[3, 0, 4, 4],
[2, 3, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 3, 0],
[4, 4, 3, 2],
[4, 0, 0, 4],
[4, 4, 0, 1],
[4, 1, 2, 1],
[4, 0, 3, 4],
[2, 2, 4, 1]])
>>> # "mean center" this data prior to calculating covariance matrix
>>> mx = NP.mean(a, axis=0)
>>> a1 = a - mx
>>> # sanity check:
>>> NP.mean(a1, axis=0)
array([ 0., -0., -0., 0.])
>>> # calculate coveriance matrix of the mean-centered data matrix, a1
>>> R = NP.corrcoef(a1, rowvar=0)
>>> R
array([[ 1. , 0.084, -0.281, 0.561],
[ 0.084, 1. , -0.284, -0.461],
[-0.281, -0.284, 1. , 0.059],
[ 0.561, -0.461, 0.059, 1. ]])
>>> # quick sanity check(s):
>>> # (i) is cov matrix n x n? and a; and
>>> # (ii) main diagonal consists of all '1's
>>> # (because a number and itself of course have perfect covariance)
>>> # repeat those 2 steps (mean center + calculate covariance matrix)
>>> # for the other data matrices (comprised of data points
>>> # in the remaining classes).
>>> # next calculate 'pooled covariance matrix' by taking weighted average
>>> of these covariance marices (weighted according to number of rows in
>>> # the original data matrices used to calculate the covariance matrices
>>> # convert element-wise NumPy arrays to linear algebra matrices
>>> R = NP.matrix(R)
>>> # calculate the inverse of the weighted average covariance matrix
>>> RI = LA.inv(R)
>>> # now just plug the values into the Mahalanobis code i recited near the top
>>> # we'll do it step-wise so we can see intermediate results:
>>> # another sanity check: we are calculating a distance obviously so the final
>>> # should be a 1 x 1 matrix (scalar)
>>> xy_diff = x - y
>>> a = xy_diff * RI
>>> a
matrix([[-2.034, 0.737, -0.452, 1.508]])
>>> b = xy_diff.T
>>> a * b
matrix([[2.043]]) # the Mahalanobis distance for the 2 vectors, x & y
Other (faster) ways to calculate Mahalanobis distance:
The excellent matrix computation mega-library for Python, SciPy, actually has a module "spatial" which inclues a good Mahalanobis function. I can recommend this highly (both the library and the function); I have used this function many times and on several ocassions i cross-verified the results with those from other libraries.
Or you can use R, which has a bult-in function of the same name to calculate M/D, mahalanobis. A concise and useful help page for this function can be accessed by typing in the R interpreter:
Finally, i am quite sure that other formulations of Mahalanobis Distance can be found in various R libraries, particularly in some of the libraries in the Bioconductor Project which contains a huge set of R libraries, or "Packages", for the quantitative study of life sciences) then you can calculate Mahalanobis distance using a built-in function of the same name ("mahalanobis.") The reason i mention this is that these domain-specific formulations are likely to have helper functions to save time on the tedious predicate steps e.g., mean-centering and calculating the weighted average covariance matrix.