This paper on Adaboost gives some suggestions and code (page 17) for extending 2-class models to K-class problems. I would like to generalize this code, such that I can easily plug in different 2-class models and compare the results. Because most classification models have a formula interface and a predict
method, some of this should be relatively easy. Unfortunately, I haven't found a standard way of extracting class probabilities from 2-class models, so each model will require some custom code.
Here's a function I wrote to break up a K-class problem into 2-class problems, and return K models:
oneVsAll <- function(X,Y,FUN,...) {
models <- lapply(unique(Y), function(x) {
name <- as.character(x)
.Target <- factor(ifelse(Y==name,name,'other'), levels=c(name, 'other'))
dat <- data.frame(.Target, X)
model <- FUN(.Target~., data=dat, ...)
names(models) <- unique(Y)
info <- list(X=X, Y=Y, classes=unique(Y))
out <- list(models=models, info=info)
class(out) <- 'oneVsAll'
Here's a prediction method I wrote to iterate over each model and make predictions:
predict.oneVsAll <- function(object, newX=object$info$X, ...) {
lapply(object$models, function(x) {
predict(x, newX, ...)
And finally, here's a function to turn normalize a data.frame
of predicted probabilities and classify the cases. Note that it is up to you to construct the K-column data.frame
of probabilities from each model, as there is not a unified way to extract class probabilities from a 2-class model:
classify <- function(dat) {
out <- dat/rowSums(dat)
out$Class <- apply(dat, 1, function(x) names(dat)[which.max(x)])
Here's an example using adaboost
X <- iris[,-5]
Y <- iris[,5]
myModels <- oneVsAll(X, Y, ada)
preds <- predict(myModels, X, type='probs')
preds <- data.frame(lapply(preds, function(x) x[,2])) #Make a data.frame of probs
preds <- classify(preds)
>confusionMatrix(preds$Class, Y)
Confusion Matrix and Statistics
Prediction setosa versicolor virginica
setosa 50 0 0
versicolor 0 47 2
virginica 0 3 48
Here is an example using lda
(I know lda can handle multiple classes, but this is just an example):
myModels <- oneVsAll(X, Y, lda)
preds <- predict(myModels, X)
preds <- data.frame(lapply(preds, function(x) x[[2]][,1])) #Make a data.frame of probs
preds <- classify(preds)
>confusionMatrix(preds$Class, Y)
Confusion Matrix and Statistics
Prediction setosa versicolor virginica
setosa 50 0 0
versicolor 0 39 5
virginica 0 11 45
These functions should work for any 2-class model with a formula interface and a predict
method. Note that you have to manually split up the X and Y components, which is a little ugly, but writing a formula interface is beyond me at the moment.
Does this approach make sense to everyone? Is there any way I can improve it, or is there an existing package to solve this issue?
, or one of the*lab
packages) would have provided a function like yours. Sorry I can't help. I've read a bit about how k-way SVM works and it seems like it was more complicated than I'd have thought. $\endgroup$predict
method. $\endgroup$