Consider the statistic "average of $N$ idd random variables $X_i$",
$$S_N = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N X_i $$ Consider also that, by a numerical experiment, it is observed that the distribution of $S_N$, $P(S_N)$, is a Gumbel distribution (e.g. p-value does not reject the null hypothesis that it is).
Which $P(X_i) = P(X)$ can explain these observations?
More quantitatively, what can lead to a Gumbel distribution of the (finite-size) mean of a random variable? If no such process exists for iid, what correlation can explain these observations?
(I am aware of the occurrence of the Gumbel distribution on block maxima, but this seems to be unrelated to this problem.)
In my actual problem, I currently do not have access to the time series of $X_i$, so I can't tell you whether they are correlated, but most likely they are correlated. Moreover, $X_i \in [0, 1]$. The iid assumption was a first approach to the problem, to see if there was a simple distribution of $X_i$ that could explain the Gumbel distribution of the mean.