I'm working with three level models in Stata. Example of one would be:
use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r14/productivity, clear
sort region state year
mixed gsp unemp || region: || state:
What I'm interested in, are the regional level estimates of random effects, which I get using:
predict fit, fit
predict xb, xb
gen dif = fit - xb
Now for each state I get the random part of the regression equation, which I understand as 'deviation from overall mean':
su dif if year == 1970
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
dif | 48 -.1460786 1.012167 -2.053711 2.068561
However, I'm struggling with correct interpretation of this region specific values.
What does the 2.07 deviation from the mean really tells me? Can I refer it somehow to original values of the outcome (remember that in this case it's log transformed)? Is there any transfomration of the data or results helpful in that? Or alternative way of summarizing variability across states?
Even more difficult is interpretation of the difference of state-level random effects across models with different degrees of adjustment. For instance unadjusted model estimates can be obtained as:
mixed gsp || region: || state:
predict fit0, fit
predict xb0, xb
gen dif0 = fit - xb
Now state's 6 adjusted estimates of random effects go from .0661106
in unadjusted model to .074564
in adjusted. How could that change be interpreted?