If you are thinking about oversampling based on the outcome then you have to be quite careful.
In general this is not ok. Endogenous sampling schemes will give you biased results. See Wooldridge chapter 17.
In the case of the Logit model things are somewhat different. Borrowing from Manski the thing is that in general response based sampling reveals: $P(x|y=1)$ and $P(x|y=0)$, but nothing about the probability of $P(y|x)$.
However, if $P(x|y=1)>0$ and $P(x|y=0)>0$ and also $P(y=1|x)$ approaches zero (in other words, it has the property of the rare disease assumption), then for the LOGIT model (due to its nice exponential functional form), outcome based sampling point identifies relative and attributable risk. Relative risk is also known as the odds ratio when the rare disease assumption is true. For the complete proof check pages 112 and 113 of Manski's book that I recommended above.
OK, so we have established that if you are only looking at the odds ratios, outcome based sampling and logit should be OK. Of course, you can only get odds ratios, you won't be able to identify the intercept therefore you must be very very careful about what to conclude ...
Now to your question:
In principle, if you have the entire population, you should not need to oversample since you have all cases ... That should be clear.
In practice that is rarely true since most likely you will only have a sample of the population. When that happens, what Gary King shows is that there are some benefits on doing outcome based sampling and applying finite sample corrections: Gary King Rare Events Logit.
Finally (without having read it in detail) I believe that the point of the blog that you are referring to above is precisely the one that I am making here. That if you have no other alternative than to oversample a class of the population based on the outcome to get a minimum amount of observations, then, with the logistic regression and if you are looking at the odds ratio you should be fine. It is not that they recommend it, but it might be your only option.