I'm trying to forecast the future distribution of a particular interest rate based on its quarterly percentage changes. My assumptions are that:
- The observations are independent
- The distribution holds across time (stationarity of the quarterly percentage changes)
When I run Shapiro / K-S tests of normality on my historical data, I find very strong evidence in favor of rejecting the null hypothesis that both types of change my data could have been generated from a normal distribution, so I want to forecast based on the empirical distribution.
My questions are:
- Is there any way to determine whether or not using the empirical distribution gives a better estimate than using a normal distribution?
- I'm using $\textsf{R}$'s
sample(x, size)
command to generate potential paths for MC simulation -- is this the "right" way to sample from the empirical distribution? Are there issues I'm failing to consider properly since the empirical distribution is discrete?
Many thanks.