Your variable is right skewed and probably bounded to be positive. This is maybe easiest to see in graphs:
You can see that in the skewed graphs the outliers are all on one side.
For those who are interested: I created that graph in Stata using the following code:
clear all
set seed 1234567
set obs 4
gen distribution = _n
label define dist 1 "normal" ///
2 "fat tails" ///
3 "right skewed" ///
4 "left skewed"
label value distribution dist
expand 1000
gen x = rnormal() if dist == 1
replace x = rt(4) if dist == 2
replace x = rchi2(2) if dist == 3
replace x = -rchi2(2) if dist == 4
stripplot x , over(dist) ///
stack width(0.5) ///
box(barw(0.2)) iqr ///
boffset(-0.3) h(0.5)