Yes, Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) CAN be used to initiate the weights of a neural network. Also it CAN be used in a "layer-by-layer" way to build a deep belief network (that is, to train a $n$-th layer on the top of $(n-1)$-th layer, and then to train the $n+1$-th layer on the top of the $n$-th layer, rinse and repeat ... ).
Regarding how to use RBM, details can be found from the thread of Good tutorial for Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) where some papers and tutorials can be found.
My question would be :
- Is RBM really used in either industrial projects or academic projects
- If yes, how & which projects it is being used ?
- Any popular library (such as tensorflow, Caffe, Theono, etc) provides RBM module ?
Thanks for sharing. I wish to know whether RBM is really useful in practice.