I'll explain my problem with an example. Suppose you want to predict the income of an individual given some attributes: {Age, Gender, Country, Region, City}. You have a training dataset like so
train <- data.frame(CountryID=c(1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3),
RegionID=c(1,1,1,2, 3,3,4,4, 5,5,5,5),
CityID=c(1,1,2,3, 4,5,6,6, 7,7,7,8),
Age=c(23,48,62,63, 25,41,45,19, 37,41,31,50),
Gender=factor(c("M","F","M","F", "M","F","M","F", "F","F","F","M")),
Income=c(31,42,71,65, 50,51,101,38, 47,50,55,23))
CountryID RegionID CityID Age Gender Income
1 1 1 1 23 M 31
2 1 1 1 48 F 42
3 1 1 2 62 M 71
4 1 2 3 63 F 65
5 2 3 4 25 M 50
6 2 3 5 41 F 51
7 2 4 6 45 M 101
8 2 4 6 19 F 38
9 3 5 7 37 F 47
10 3 5 7 41 F 50
11 3 5 7 31 F 55
12 3 5 8 50 M 23
Now suppose I want to predict the income of a new person who lives in City 7. My training set has a whopping 3 samples with people in City 7 (assume this is a lot) so I can probably use the average income in City 7 to predict the income of this new individual.
Now suppose I want to predict the income of a new person who lives in City 2. My training set only has 1 sample with City 2 so the average income in City 2 probably isn't a reliable predictor. But I can probably use the average income in Region 1.
Extrapolating this idea a bit, I can transform my training dataset as
Age Gender CountrySamples CountryIncome RegionSamples RegionIncome CitySamples CityIncome
1: 23 M 4 52.25 3 48.00 2 36.5000
2: 48 F 4 52.25 3 48.00 2 36.5000
3: 62 M 4 52.25 3 48.00 1 71.0000
4: 63 F 4 52.25 1 65.00 1 65.0000
5: 25 M 4 60.00 2 50.50 1 50.0000
6: 41 F 4 60.00 2 50.50 1 51.0000
7: 45 M 4 60.00 2 69.50 2 69.5000
8: 19 F 4 60.00 2 69.50 2 69.5000
9: 37 F 4 43.75 4 43.75 3 50.6667
10: 41 F 4 43.75 4 43.75 3 50.6667
11: 31 F 4 43.75 4 43.75 3 50.6667
12: 50 M 4 43.75 4 43.75 1 23.0000
So, the goal is to somehow combine the average CityIncome, RegionIncome, and CountryIncome while using the number of training samples for each to give a weight/credibility to each value. (Ideally, still including information from Age and Gender.)
What are tips for solving this type of problem? I prefer to use tree based models like random forest or gradient boosting, but I'm having trouble getting these to perform well.
For anyone willing to take a stab at this problem, I've generated sample data to test your proposed solution here.