I will (if I can find a good text) be teaching very basic stats to prisoners at a local med/high security prison.
Because of the conditions imposed I will have only fifteen 1.5 hours classes and I want to be able to get them through the very basics of definitions, distributions, probability and the concepts of testing.
They don't have access to PCs but can use hand calculators. In a run up to this class, I've done some probability stuff and prepared lots of handouts but that is a Herculean task.
All of these guys have done high school math. They are generally not educated but very smart, very intuitive - and grateful as hell to be treated as human beings. The class ranges from guys with 3 or 4 years to guys with life sentence plus 30 years; everyone is trying to improve themselves and they are great students.
This year we have some $ to buy texts (The class size is about 15; I have been buying older versions of books myself but that starts to get costly for me and the books I've gotten haven't functioned very well.)
Suggestions will be welcome. Something a bit above 'Statistics for Dummies' and well below Freedman, Pisani, Purves would be great.
(I used 'Statistics for Dummies' one cycle and I hated it because I try really hard to treat these people the way I would treat any student - with respect and concern - and I don't want them to get the impression that I think they're dummies.)