I am currently writing algorithm for differential privacy using the Laplace mechanism.
Unfortunately I have no background in statistics, therefore a lot of terms are unknown to me. So now I'm stumbling over the term: Laplace noise. To make a dataset differential private all papers just talk about adding Laplace noise according to the Laplace distribution to the function values.
$k(X) = f(X) + Y(X)$
(k is the differential private value, f the returned value by the evaluation function and Y the Laplace noise)
Does this mean I create random variables from the Laplace distribution according this function I have from wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laplace_distribution?
$ Y = μ − b\ \text{sgn}(U) \ln ( 1 − 2 | U | ) $
UPDATE: I plotted up to 100 random variables drawn from the function above, but this doesn't give me a Laplace distribution (not even close). But I think it should model a Laplace distribution.
Those are the definitions I have:
(The Laplace Mechanism). Given any function $f:N^{|X|}→R^k$, the Laplace mechanism is defined as: $M_L(x, f(·),\epsilon)=f(x)+(Y_1,...,Y_k)$ where Y are i.i.d. random variables drawn from $Lap(∆f/\epsilon)$
As well as:
To generate Y ( X ), a common choice is to use a Laplace distribution with zero mean and Δ ( f ) /ε scale parameter