The FDA often requires a sponsor to conduct multiple clinical trials prior to approval. Given the following observations in a ph2 and ph3 trial, how would you go about predicting the probability of the next ph3 trial resulting in a statistically significant outcome on the primary endpoint.
Assume that aside from the number of patients that the ph2 and ph3 trials are the same.
In the ph2 trial of 90 patients on drug and 90 patients on PBO, the drug showed a benefit on the primary endpoint with a p-value of 0.017.
After the positive ph2 result, a ph3 trial was conducted. In the first ph3 trial 150 patients were on drug and 150 patients were on pbo. The ph3 trial the drug showed a benefit on the primary endpoint with a p-value of 0.025.
From this information how would you calculate the probability that a second larger ph3 trial with 300 patients on drug and 300 patients on pbo would result in a positive outcome on the primary endpoint?