It certainly is allowed. I would suggest you choose a new approach to visualizing your data, other than the sigmoid curve.
As you said being categorical means you do not have a range of data to assess your probabilities over. Categorical variables are either there or not. One approach that comes to my mind, is to plot circles or squares whose size is proportional to your category's parameter (the $\beta$ or $\theta$). I.e in case of gender, 1 female, 0 male, then your $\beta_{female}$ might be say 0.5. Then print a circle whose radius is 0.5, and you can compare other features' importance in predicting your class. Alternatively you can use a pie chart, again to show importance. Using squares has the benefit that you can show the marginal rate of substitution too.
Assume you have the following data:
gender_female likes_plum likes_peach label
1 1 1 0 1
2 1 0 0 0
3 0 0 1 1
Then after your regression, you might have: $\beta_{female}=0.5,\beta_{plum}=1.4, \beta_{peach}=1$. Then if you draw squares whose sides are equal to the $\beta$s you can show how many of each $\beta$ fits in the other, effectively showing their relative importance. I.e. for our example being a peach lover has double the effect of being a female in being classified as class 1.