In relation to my previous question on different output results and their interpretation based on a model with or without an interaction term, this is a follow up question on how to report such results.
Based on the following model formula and its output (see below), am I correct at interpreting this no-interaction model as follows;
For treatment1 at time6, we have amp.sqrt = 115.184
For treatment2 at time6, we have amp.sqrt = 115.184 + 2.644
For treatment3 at time6, we have amp.sqrt = 115.184 + 23.365
For treatment1 at time7, we have amp.sqrt = 115.184 + 13.958
For treatment2 at time7, we have amp.sqrt = 115.184 + 13.958 + 2.644
For treatment3 at time7, we have amp.sqrt = 115.184 + 13.958 + 23.365
I had thought of reporting the results as: "there was a positive effect of treatment, with amp.sqrt increasing from treatment 1, to 2 (2.644) and 3 (23.365). Also a positive effect of time was observed, increasing from time 1 to 2 (13.958) and 3 (21.799). The main effect of axis increased from 1 to 2 and 3 as well."
However, now that I have my model with the interaction term, and the main effects on their own seem strange to report (as I wrote above), should I instead report the overall trends as seen by your plot (i.e. adding the fixed effects and the interaction term and then presenting that value) or should I still present the results as above, even if the main effect outputs on their own are counterintuitive unless specified in relation with the interaction term results?
mTEST1<- lmer(amp.sqrt~ time + treatment + axis + (1+treatment|ID))
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 115.184 7.546 36.300 15.265 < 2e-16 ***
time7 13.958 4.707 474.800 2.965 0.00318 **
time8 21.799 4.787 478.500 4.554 6.7e-06 ***
treatment2 2.644 8.571 18.400 0.308 0.76117
treatment3 23.365 6.139 19.200 3.806 0.00117 **
axis2 60.458 4.746 474.800 12.737 < 2e-16 ***
axis3 128.456 4.746 474.800 27.063 < 2e-16 ***
mTEST2<- lmer(amp.sqrt~ time * treatment + axis + (1+treatment|ID))
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 130.587 8.417 55.500 15.515 < 2e-16 ***
time7 -7.697 8.120 471.000 -0.948 0.3436
time8 -2.628 8.120 471.000 -0.324 0.7464
treatment2 -3.766 10.713 44.500 -0.352 0.7269
treatment3 -14.929 8.851 83.600 -1.687 0.0954 .
axis2 60.458 4.569 471.000 13.232 < 2e-16 ***
axis3 128.456 4.569 471.000 28.113 < 2e-16 ***
time7:treatment2 9.697 11.206 471.000 0.865 0.3873
time8:treatment2 8.554 11.396 473.700 0.751 0.4532
time7:treatment3 53.206 11.206 471.000 4.748 2.73e-06 ***
time8:treatment3 62.411 11.289 473.300 5.528 5.35e-08 ***