Assume, I have a classifier (It could be any of the standard classifiers like decision tree, random forest, logistic regression .. etc.) for fraud detection using the below code
rfFit = randomForest(Y ~ ., data = myData, ntree = 400) # A very basic classifier
Say, Y is a binary outcome - Fraud/Not-Fraud
Now, I have predicted on a unseen data set.
pred = predict(rfFit, newData)
Then I have obtained the feedback from the investigation team on my classification and found that I have made a mistake of classifying a fraud as Non-Fraud (i.e. One False Negative). Is there anyway that I can let my algorithm understand that it has made a mistake? i.e. Any way of adding a feedback loop to the algorithm so that it can correct the mistakes?
One option I can think from top of my head is build an adaboost classifier
so that the new classifier corrects the mistake of the old one. or I have heard something of Incremental Learning
or Online learning
. Are there any existing implementations (packages) in R
Is it the right approach? or Is there any other way to tweak the model instead of building it from the scratch?