Consider the integral of a stationary random process $X(t)$ with mean $\mu$, variance $\sigma^2$ and stationary correlation function $\rho(t_1 - t_2)$:
$$I = \int_0^L X(t)\,\mathrm{dt}$$
In my previous post the moments of $I$ was found to be:
$$E[I] = \mu_I = L\mu$$
$$\text{Var}[I] = \sigma_I^2 =\sigma^2 \int_0^L \int_0^L \rho(t_1-t_2)\,\mathrm{dt_1\,dt_2} = 2\sigma^2\int_{0}^{L} \rho(\tau)(L-|\tau|)\,\mathrm d\tau$$
Where $\tau = t_1 - t_2$. I would now like the calculate the skewness of $I$:
$$\text{Skew}[I] = E\left[\left(\frac{I-\mu_I}{\sigma_I}\right)^3\right] = \frac{E[I^3] - 3\mu_I\sigma_I^2 - \mu_I^3}{\sigma_I^3}$$
I know $\mu_I$ and $\sigma_I^2$ so the problem is to evaluate $E[I^3]$:
$$E[I^3] = E\left[\int_0^L X(t)\,\mathrm{dt}\int_0^L X(u)\,\mathrm{du} \int_0^L X(v)\,\mathrm{dv}\right]$$
$$ = E\left[\int_0^L \int_0^L \int_0^L X(t) X(u)X(v)\,\mathrm{dt}\,\mathrm{du}\,\mathrm{dv}\right]$$
$$ = \int_0^L \int_0^L \int_0^L E\left[X(t) X(u)X(v)\right]\,\mathrm{dt}\,\mathrm{du}\,\mathrm{dv}$$
In the previous post the expected value was then written in terms of the covariance function however I don't know how to proceed here.
Can you show me how to evaluate the 3rd moment (if possible)?