Wall of code is incoming - (sorry, I'm too lazy to upload the figures ;-).
# The data
definedInterval <- (0:3)*20 + 24
theHistogramData <- tibble::data_frame(binnedScore =
factor(c("[24,44]", "(44,64]", "(64,84]", "(84, 104]"),
levels = c("[24,44]", "(44,64]", "(64,84]", "(84, 104]"),
ordered = T),
nparticipants = c(1, 6, 10, 13),
middleScore = (0:3)*20 + 34)
ggplot(theHistogramData, aes(x = binnedScore, y = nparticipants)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity")
# to make things easier we are gonna consider the middle score
ggplot(theHistogramData, aes(x = middleScore, y = nparticipants)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity")
What kind of data could produce such a plot ?
First things first: what is the response and what are the predictors?
At first, I was thinking about the distribution of scores based on number
of participants - but this is not what the plot suggests at a second though
What is show is the number of participants (y) based on the score (x) -
i.e. number of participants is the response to the predictor score. What a
funny idea ;-)
The choise a model depens on the background knowledge of how the scores are actually achieved
Lets start simple: Lets assume it is a discrete probability distribution and
the random variable is the middle score.
Lets sample middle scores as weighted by the probability extracted from participants
uhhhSamples <- data.frame(smpls = sample((0:3)*20 + 34,
prob = with(theHistogramData, nparticipants/sum(nparticipants)),
size = 10000, replace = T))
ggplot(uhhhSamples, aes(x = smpls)) +
But that was cheating. Sampling from only four scores is boring.
A little better is this almost perfect distirubtion
theoreticalScores <- data.frame(score = 24:104) %>%
mutate(gr = findInterval(score, definedInterval)) %>%
inner_join(dplyr::select(theHistogramData, nparticipants) %>%
mutate(prob = nparticipants/sum(nparticipants), gr = 1:4))
uhhhSamples2 <- data.frame(smpls = sample(theoreticalScores$score, prob = theoreticalScores$prob, size = 10000, replace = T))
uhhhSamples2summary <- uhhhSamples2 %>%
mutate(gr = findInterval(smpls, definedInterval)) %>%
group_by(gr) %>%
summarize(nc = n())
ggplot(uhhhSamples2summary, aes(x = gr, y = nc)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity")
Looks like the same only scaled by participants - what a surprise.
If we say there is no upper bound to the scores and we expect more and more people having expert knowledge with higer scores we could fit a linear model.
From the shape we see a left shape of a parabola, a polynom of degree 2.
We could take any points from the binned score but the scores in the middle
seems to be the most general choise.
lmres <- lm(nparticipants ~ poly(middleScore, 2), theHistogramData)
This model looks good with high R^2 and a low error on the given data
and it also seems the squared term x^2 does not play a role
theHistogramData %>%
mutate(lmfitted = {lmres$fitted.values}) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = middleScore, y = nparticipants)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
geom_line(mapping = aes(y = lmfitted), col = "red")
predictionData <- data.frame(middleScore = sample(24:104, size = 1000, replace = T))
predictionData %>%
mutate(lmpred = predict(lmres, .),
intervalGroup = findInterval(middleScore, definedInterval)) %>%
group_by(intervalGroup) %>%
# take mean of the prediction for each group
summarise(lmmean = mean(lmpred)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = intervalGroup, y = lmmean)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity")
Well, that was a big round that actually does not say much. It was more or less a complicated way to show what a linear model does anyway.
So what about a theoretical distribution?
If we were to impose a probabilistic interpretation to the score we could use a beta distribution; e.g.
curve(dbeta(x, shape1 = 5, shape2 = 2), from = 0, to = 1, n = 100)
Here we need to scale the scores to the interval [0,1] ... assuming that 104 is the maximal number of points
probabilisticData <- theHistogramData %>%
mutate(participants = nparticipants/sum(nparticipants),
scores = middleScore/104) %>%
select(participants, scores) %>%
mutate(cumpart = cumsum(participants))
uhhhSamples2prob <- uhhhSamples2 %>%
mutate(normsmpls = smpls/104,
predbeta = pbeta(normsmpls, 6, 2))
uhhhSamples2prob %>%
ggplot(aes(x = normsmpls, y = predbeta)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point(data = probabilisticData, mapping = aes(x = scores, y = cumpart), color = "red")
The first guess does not fit, but we can optimize prarameters of the beta
distribution in order to get a desired coverage
optimFun <- function(pr, x, y) {
return(sum( (pbeta(x, pr[1], pr[2]) - y)^2 ))
x = probabilisticData$scores,
y = probabilisticData$cumpart)
# hm, close!
x = probabilisticData$scores,
y = probabilisticData$cumpart)
# hm, closer!
respar <- optim(par = c(5 , 2), fn = optimFun, x = probabilisticData$scores, y = (probabilisticData$cumpart))$par
# hm, closest! (+/- epsilon)
uhhhSamples2prob <- uhhhSamples2 %>%
mutate(normsmpls = smpls/104,
predbeta = pbeta(normsmpls, respar[1], respar[2]))
uhhhSamples2prob %>%
ggplot(aes(x = normsmpls, y = predbeta)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point(data = probabilisticData, mapping = aes(x = scores, y = cumpart), color = "red")
# what a nice fit!
What do we learn ? We can do magic! If we don't know anything and only have 4 times 2 numbers we can do anything we want! Awesome. We can superimpose many models and many fits and they all will tell an incredible story. Putting a little bit more code around everything is just the cherry on the top of a cake! (And the cake is a lie)
Now, srsly, raw data and description of your variables and how you got their values is of utter importance! Without it, it is not possible to derive sensible conclusions.