I'm using the nlme
package's lme
function in R to fit a random-intercept, random-slope linear mixed model for some generated test data. Although the fixed effect coefficients are estimated as expected, the variance parameter estimation yields results I do not fully understand.
Specifically, the rho
parameter of the compound symmetry correlation structure specified in the model statement and correlation of the random effects are not estimated, as I would expect from the data. When not fixing the correlation in corCompSymm()
, the estimated rho
is almost equal to default 0, and correlation of random effects is then obviously wrong (0.64 instead of -0.5).
I'm aware, that the variance-covariance parameters are estimated marginally, but is there a way to improve the estimates, given I correctly specify the correlation matrix type (CS, AR, etc.) but do not know it's parameters?
And secondly (somehow unrelated), does R allow for fitting a linear model with no random effects specified, but assumed structure for within-subject correlation matrix (analogous to SAS's PROC MIXED
with no RANDOM
The fitted model is:
lme(data = dat, fixed = y ~ as.factor(f) * x, random = ~ 1 + x | id, correlation = corCompSymm(fixed = FALSE))
and the outcome variable is simulated as:
y <- ifelse(f == 0, beta0[1], beta0[2]) +
ifelse(f == 0, beta1[1] * x, beta1[2] * x + b1 * x) +
b0 + b1 * x + e
, where:
is a subject-specific grouping factor with 2 levelsx
simulates ordinal variable over which the repeated measures have been taken (design is balanced)beta0
are vectors of group-specific intercept and slope, consecutivelye
is an error-term, following multivariate normal with means0
and compound symmetry variance-covariance matrix, having1
diagonal and.8
are subject-specific errors for intercept, and slope consecutively, simulated to follow bivariate standard normal with covariance -0.5:
\begin{bmatrix} 1 & - 0.5\\ - 0.5 & 1 \end{bmatrix}
The estimated parameters:
Correlation Structure: Compound symmetry Formula: ~1 | id Parameter estimate(s): Rho 4.260007e-06
> VarCorr(f3) id = pdLogChol(1 + x) Variance StdDev Corr (Intercept) 0.5682353 0.7538139 (Intr) x 2.5251728 1.5890792 0.64 Residual 5.0764053 2.2530879
Reproducible code:
n <- 1000 # number of subjects
m <- 4 # rep. measurments per subject
beta0 <- c(2, 5) # intercepts for each subject-specific factor
beta1 <- c(2, 3) # slopes for each subject-specific factor
# correlation matrix for random effects
d <- - .50
D <- matrix(c(1, d,
d, 1), nrow = 2, byrow = T)
# correlation matrix for error terms
r <- .8
R <- c(1, r, r, r,
r, 1, r, r,
r, r, 1, r,
r, r, r, 1) * 5
R <- matrix(R, nrow = sqrt(length(R)))
R <- R[1:m, 1:m]
dat <- data.frame(id = 1:n)
dat$f <- sample(1:length(beta0) - 1, n, replace = TRUE) # randomly assign a factor for each subject
# assign subject-specific random slopes and intercepts
dat <- cbind(dat,
mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, nrow(D)), Sigma = D)),
c('b0', 'b1')))
dat <- dat[rep(1:n, each = m), ]
dat$x <- rep(1:m, n)
# error term
dat$e <- as.vector(t(mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, nrow(R)), Sigma = R))) #
# generate outcome
dat$y <- with(dat,
ifelse(f == 0, beta0[1], beta0[2]) +
ifelse(f == 0, beta1[1] * x, beta1[2] * x + b1 * x) +
b0 + b1 * x + e)
# lmm with assumed compound symmetry and correlation not fixed
summary(f3 <- lme(data = dat, fixed = y ~ as.factor(f) * x, random = ~ 1 + x | id,
correlation = corCompSymm(fixed = FALSE)))
# lmm with with fixed correlation
summary(f4 <- lme(data = dat, fixed = y ~ as.factor(f) * x, random = ~ 1 + x | id,
correlation = corCompSymm(r, fixed = TRUE)))