
I'm tackling the problem of Anomaly Detection in a dataset that's comprised of call counts to a call-centre. The data exhibits daily and weekly seasonality and is known to be over-dispersed.


The first step is to define "normal" behaviour, which is assumed to be the median from the previous n-weeks (median because it is robust to the presence of outliers in the data).

For example, say current (Monday 09:00AM) calls are 100, and the last n=5 Monday 09:00AM calls were [110,90,122,105,96], so the baseline "normal" calls for this Monday 09:00AM is the median=105. This gives a smoothed series which we define as "normal" (this is assumed sacrosanct).

Then I fit a negative-binomial model for previous n-weeks of this normal behaviour using MLE. Finally, I compute the likelihood of observed calls or more given the fitted model, and declare anomalies based off a threshold on the upper tail P(X>=observed) i.e. we are interested in unusually high # calls, ignoring # calls less than baseline.

Here is a plot of the algorithm in action:

note the red triangles

Now, i'm trying to evaluate this methodology by injecting artificial anomalies on the baseline series, which requires some knowledge of the residuals:

residual = observed - baseline (median of last n-weeks)

If I can simulate the residual generating process to inject known anomalies, knowing the correct p-values (labels), it would serve as an objective evaluation of this methodology in terms of accuracy of anomaly detection and quantification.


  1. What form of the residuals should be simulated? in other words, is the choice of considering a raw residual (as above) correct?

  2. What should be the distribution of residuals? How do I simulate them?

  3. Any thoughts/comments/suggestions on the methodology itself?

  • $\begingroup$ As it stands, this question is not well-posed. What are you trying to evaluate about the model? How well it fits, or how robust it is to mis-specification, or how it handles outliers, or something else? $\endgroup$
    – JDL
    Aug 31, 2016 at 12:00
  • $\begingroup$ I'm trying to evaluate the model's accuracy in detecting anomalies by injecting known anomalous instances, so the question pertains to defining this anomalous process. $\endgroup$
    – tool.ish
    Aug 31, 2016 at 13:11
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I think the problem you are having is that you are defining an outlier as "anything the model thinks is unlikely". By definition, a model will not often produce results it thinks are unlikely. As to p-values, if the model is "correct" they should be uniform on [0,1]. $\endgroup$
    – JDL
    Aug 31, 2016 at 13:16


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