I am doing research on school security. Questionnaire pertains to questions regarding availability or non availability of certain items so as to reach on conclusion that what is available and what is to be provided to complete the security package.
There are 57 questions and almost all are "yes" or "no" with few exceptions of answers as "not applicable" or some "range of amount in currency" like "less than $5000" and "Less than $ 10000". Now, how do I check the reliability. Someone said that since it is quantitative so "Cronbach's Alpha". But once I apply that it discard many questions and index is never more than 0.5. Please help and guide.
In addition, I have consulted few statisticians and they said that the questionnaire I have is just like a checklist which is conformation of the instructions given to schools by the department. So the answer is just yes and no. In this case reliability is not required to be checked.