
I have four samples (x1, x2, x3, and x4) with their values shown below:

> x1
 [1] 0.6343592 0.4960767 0.5802182 0.5224468 0.5774899 0.4938405
 [7] 0.6413160 0.6168486 0.4975457 0.6120071 0.5813722 0.5425456
[13] 0.4792247 0.5383875 0.5702392 0.4406344 0.5309179 0.5509874
[19] 0.5457732 0.5413252 0.5338342 0.4286551 0.4222129 0.5207673
[25] 0.4984457 0.5304531
> x2
 [1] 0.7181799 0.4925333 0.5131511 0.5536727 0.6369794 0.5294548
 [7] 0.5027039 0.5640035 0.5602509 0.6028623 0.5796146 0.5604145
[13] 0.5433392 0.5080444 0.5376570 0.4539623 0.5471905 0.5695738
[19] 0.5545275 0.5999702 0.5630518 0.5747470 0.5287676 0.4027051
[25] 0.4779424 0.5447307
> x3
 [1] 0.5948402 0.5494434 0.5960296 0.5634001 0.6044936 0.6109550
 [7] 0.5234166 0.6028709 0.5049527 0.6092599 0.6330479 0.6176069
[13] 0.5755432 0.5345823 0.5176935 0.5439285 0.5304621 0.5560827
[19] 0.6256231 0.5500233 0.5482850 0.5255282 0.5158963 0.5380739
[25] 0.5453110 0.5395740
> x4
 [1] 0.6806158 0.5835167 0.6193832 0.4222333 0.5425774 0.4785489
 [7] 0.4474077 0.4303011 0.6169782 0.4598568 0.4713550 0.4516266
[13] 0.4754098 0.6126220 0.4883478 0.4667159 0.4642833 0.5761202
[19] 0.4414092 0.5019286 0.5978668 0.4861931 0.4944485 0.4815222
[25] 0.4877936 0.5955430

I tried to calculate the p-value of kruskal.test, which was pretty straightforward.

> kruskal.test(list(x1, x2, x3, x4))
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 9.9539, df = 3, p-value = 0.01896

However, when I tried to find out the result of kruskal.test p-value between any of these samples, the results were equal to 0.4624 for any pairs of them. Do these results have any interpretation? More clearly: am I doing something wrong to get these identical results for different samples or there are other reasons that I should know of?

> kruskal.test(x1, x2)
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 25, df = 25, p-value = 0.4624

> kruskal.test(x1, x3)
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 25, df = 25, p-value = 0.4624

> kruskal.test(x2, x3)
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 25, df = 25, p-value = 0.4624

1 Answer 1


Looks like you're loading in your data wrong when running the pairwise comparisons. When separating them by a coma, R is expecting a vector that distinguishes the groups from each other. You could fix this by providing the data in the same you way did intially.

kruskal.test(list(x1, x2))

Also, instead of running kruskal.test on each pair, you could also do a dunn.test from the library dunn.test. This will do the pairwise comparisons for you.


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