I have data from a study of trailside and forest interior transects, where half my transects are on-trail and half in the forest.
The data is in the form of raw species abundances, where columns represent species and rows represent individual transects.
My goal is to compare the transects which are on-trail with those off-trail by doing a PCA analysis to create an ordination plot, which would use euclidean distance. I want to see if on and off trail transects cluster together on the plots. I'm interested in both whether or not transects have different species present, and also what the total abundance of all species is for each transect - they both seem like 'real' and 'valid' differences.
Because my abundances vary wildly, from over 50 individuals at one transect to 9 or so at another, and I also have many many species which turn up at only one or two sites, leading to many sites which mutually share a number of species, I expect the 'double-zero' problem outlined below to affect my plot. From my reading of these two sources, it seems like the varied abundance is the source of the problem, and not the mere fact that there are mutually absent species. I don't know, and want clarification on this.
I'm considering using relative abundances to do my PCA instead of raw abundances. In that case, would the outcome of my ordination plot reflect differences in species composition? Since I did t-tests on the abundance data to see if it was different on and off trail, I already have a measure of whether abundance is different. I would be happy using the ordination plots to visualize species composition, sans abundance difference, if that is what such a plot would show.
I am just learning about distance measures and PCA in general. These sources are my first introduction to both ordination methods and the double-zeroes problem.
"The double-zero problem shows up in ecology because of the special nature of species descriptors... If a species is present at two sites, this is an indication of the similarity of these sites; but if a species is absent from two sites, it may be because the two sites are both above the optimal niche value for that species, or both are below, or else one site is above and the other is below that value. One cannot tell which of these circumstances is the correct one. It is thus preferable to abstain from drawing any ecological conclusion from the absence of a species at two sites. In numerical terms, this means to skip double zeros altogether when computing similarity or distance coefficients using species presence- absence or abundance data. On the other hand, the presence of a species at one of two sites and its absence at the other are considered as a difference between these sites." -,%20Legendre%20L.%20Numerical%20ecology.pdf; Section 7.3
- Questions:
- Is it true that presence, whatever the recorded abundance, shows similarity while absence does not - a low abundance of like 1 individual poses the same ambiguity in interpretation as an absolute zero, and there's no cutoff for when the abundance is high enough to not mean anything - every abundance score is on a continuum, so why not treat every score, including 0, equally?
- The absence of species at two sites is a similarity, in that if you are interested just in seeing what species are present or absent
and in what abundances, two sites will appear similar and be similar
if they are both missing something. That the similarity in actual
presence/absence might be driven by different phenomena wouldn't
negate its presence.
- But then you might be interested in the phenomena more than in just the raw facts about presence/absence at a site.
"In symmetrical coefficients, the state zero for two objects is treated in exactly the same way as any other pair of values, when computing a similarity. These coefficients can be used in cases where the state zero is a valid basis for comparing two objects and represents the same kind of information as any other value. This obviously excludes the special case where zero means “lack of information”. For example, finding that two lakes in winter have 0 mg L –1 of dissolved oxygen in the hypolimnion provides valuable information concerning their physical and chemical similarity and their capacity to support species." - I think this is actually the case when comparing sites based on species abundances and presence/absence
"Including double-zeros in the comparison between sites would result in high values of similarity for the many pairs of sites holding only a few species; this would not reflect the situation adequately."
- If by 'reflect the situation' one means accounting for the large abundance differences as well as the species composition difference, then doesn't including double zeroes actually reflect the situation?
Two sites with low abundances and no species overlap would be closer than one of those plus a third site with some species overlap but wickedly high abundances. But instead of being due inherently to a preponderance of zeroes, isn't it due more to the wildly varying abundances - and so having sites which mutually lack a species or many isn't inherently problematic?
I got this interpretation from the following excerpt, but the book I quoted above seems to say that just having sites mutually lack a species is a problem, is THE problem, and takes steps to correct this.
"So what’s the deal with Euclidean distance and double zeroes? Obviously the zeroes cancel, just as in other metrics. The issue comes up when you use Euclidean distances on raw abundances and attempt to make inference about species composition, which leads to the so-called paradox of Euclidean distances. Let’s take the example matrix:
\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 4 & 8 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}
Sites 1 and 2 share two species in common, while Site 3 is all by its one-sies. If you calculate the Euclidean distances between these sites, you get:
\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 7.62 & 9 \\ 7.62 & 0 & 1.73 \\ 9 & 1.73 & 0 \end{bmatrix}
Sites 2 and 3 are more similar than Sites 1 and 2, even though Site 3 shares no species in common! Let’s try it on the chord distances. Doing that, we get:
\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0.32 & 1.41 \\ 0.32 & 0 & 1.41 \\ 1.41 & 1.41 & 0 \end{bmatrix}
That’s better. Now Site 3 is equally distant from both Sites 1 and 2 since it shares no species in common with either of them. So what the hell? This is why it’s termed a paradox. Here’s a hint: the answer isn’t that Euclidean distance counts double zeroes while Chord does not, as shown above. Especially since Chord is Euclidean, it uses the exact same equation.
The answer is actually much simpler, and non-mathy. Euclidean distances on raw abundance values place a premium on differences in the number of individuals, not species. So it’s actually getting it right. Sites 2 and 3 have 2 and 1 individuals total, respectively. When you take the difference, you’re basically counting up the number of individuals the sites do not share. In that case, it happens to be that Sites 2 and 3 only have three individuals that differ between them. Sites 1 and 3 have 13 individuals that differ between them, and Sites 1 and 2 have 10 individuals that differ between them. So by this math, Sites 2 and 3 actually should be really similar." -
Granted, the double absences might usually go along with variable abundances but is it the zeroes that are the problem, really?