This is because the learning rate sometimes changes after a certain number of iterations. gives more details:
In training deep networks, it is usually helpful to anneal the
learning rate over time. Good intuition to have in mind is that with a
high learning rate, the system contains too much kinetic energy and
the parameter vector bounces around chaotically, unable to settle down
into deeper, but narrower parts of the loss function. Knowing when to
decay the learning rate can be tricky: Decay it slowly and you'll be
wasting computation bouncing around chaotically with little
improvement for a long time. But decay it too aggressively and the
system will cool too quickly, unable to reach the best position it
can. There are three common types of implementing the learning rate
- Step decay: Reduce the learning rate by some factor every few epochs. Typical values might be reducing the learning rate by a half
every 5 epochs, or by 0.1 every 20 epochs. These numbers depend
heavily on the type of problem and the model. One heuristic you may
see in practice is to watch the validation error while training with a
fixed learning rate, and reduce the learning rate by a constant (e.g.
0.5) whenever the validation error stops improving.
- Exponential decay. has the mathematical form $\alpha = \alpha_0 e^{-k t}$, where $\alpha_0, k$ are hyperparameters and $t$ is the
iteration number (but you can also use units of epochs).
- 1/t decay has the mathematical form $\alpha = \alpha_0 / (1 + k t )$ where $a_0, k$ are hyperparameters and $t$ is the iteration
In practice, we find that the step decay dropout is slightly
preferable because the hyperparameters it involves (the fraction of
decay and the step timings in units of epochs) are more interpretable
than the hyperparameter $k$. Lastly, if you can afford the
computational budget, err on the side of slower decay and train for a
longer time.
Note that some parameter update policies such as Adagrad, RMSprop, or Adam don't require to set a learning rate.