Here's my take on things:
Why wouldn't it make sense to compute a Kendall's τ for a large sample?
If time is really an issue, there are other options for nonparametric correlation statistics. From my understanding, Kendall's tau was meant for small samples (<100 observations). So why not use Spearman's rank?
SPSS documentation has some guidance for this:
In general, you may not want to compute Kendall's tau if time is a serious issue. There are other alternatives that have a lower computation time such as Spearman's Rank. Out of curiosity, I timed Kendall's tau against Spearman's rank on 80+ million rows. Spearman took 4.5 mins, and after 20+ minutes, I terminated Kendall's tau. Here's a replication with a smaller sample size (80k):
n = 80000
x <- rnorm(n = n)
y <- rnorm(n = n)
z <- rpois(n = n, lambda = 5)
test <- data.frame(z, x, y)
start <- Sys.time()
cor(x = test, method = "spearman")
end <- Sys.time()
end - start
#Time difference of 0.1559448 secs
start <- Sys.time()
cor(x = test, method = "kendall")
end <- Sys.time()
end - start
#Time difference of 8.224911 mins
#too damn long!
Is there some reason τ is less useful or meaningful with larger samples?
I don't think Kendall's tau loses meaning with larger data sets, it just takes too long to compute. I think if someone really wanted to use Kendall's tau, they could parallelize certain steps in the computation. Here's a discussion on the general computation:
Or is it just that τ is hard to compute and you might as well approximate it by randomly sampling pairs of points and checking how often they agree?
I'm usually against resampling. If data is under 20GB, in most cases, you can figure out how to run your computations without needing to resample, if time permits. However, if you're in a time crunch, then you can try a bootstrapped correlation with a limited number of runs. However, if your data set is large, this will have it's own computation issues if you do not parallelize the bootstrap runs.
However, if you don't really NEED Kendall's tau, why not use spearman's rank?