Yeah! You're describing the so-called "median trick".
I really like the intuition behind the answer above. I also think it's easier to understand the problem of choosing $\gamma$ by thinking of it as the inverse of the variance of the RBF, à la
\gamma = \frac{1}{2 \sigma^2}
so that the RBF becomes
\phi(x) = e^{\frac{\|x-x_i\|^2}{2 \sigma^2}}
Now it's clear that the problem of searching for a good $\gamma$ is essentially the same as looking for a good variance for a Gaussian function (minus a scaling factor).
To do this we turn to variance estimators, but instead of computing variance via the average squared distance from some $x_i$ like $\mathbb{E}[(x-x_i)^2]$, we compute quantiles on that squared distance.
As the poster above said, using quantiles gives us control over how many data points lie within one (or two, or three..) standard deviations of our Gaussian function.