I am having problems to understand, and therefore to interpret, why the coefficient of one of my independent variables sign change when I add an interaction. My dependent variable is presence/absence of a bird species and my independent variables are the proportion coverage of an specific plant species ("plant", continuous) and observed species richness ("Sobs", discrete).
This is my logistic model without interactions: $$\newcommand{\logit}{{\rm logit}}\newcommand{\presence}{{\rm presence}} \newcommand{\plant}{{\rm plant}}\newcommand{\Sobs}{{\rm Sobs}} \logit(\presence) = -3.93 + 46.81*\plant + 0.36*\Sobs $$ This is easy to interpret, but when adding interaction (my most plausible model), the sign for the effect of plant coverage changes to negative. $$ \logit(\presence) = -2.47 - 32.44*\plant + 0.07*\Sobs + 15.63*\plant*\Sobs $$ Why this is happening and how can I interpret this best model?