The cosine similarity between two column vectors $x_1$ and $x_2$ is simply the dot product between their unit vectors
and varies from -1 to +1, similar to a correlation coefficient $R$ (to which it is closely related).
There are many ways to generalize this idea to a set of $n$ vectors, but as requested in the comments, here I will expand on one possibility, related to the idea of (linear) dimensionality reduction.
First, in the $n=2$ case, we can think of $R^2\in[0,1]$ as the "fraction of the variance explained" by a linear regression. For the squared cosine similarity, a similar interpretation is possible, except the associated regression has no "intercept term" (i.e. the vectors are scaled, but not centered).
In the $n$ dimensional case, we can concatenate the vectors into a matrix
$$X=\begin{bmatrix}x_1 \, \ldots \, x_n\end{bmatrix}$$
analogous to the cosine similarity case, we can consider dot products based on the scaled matrix
$$Y=\begin{bmatrix}y_1 \, \ldots \, y_n\end{bmatrix}$$
assembled from the corresponding unit vectors
In general we could then conduct varying analyses on the "correlation matrix" $Y^TY$, including dimension reduction via PCA.
The general idea here is to create a low-rank approximation to the matrix $Y$ by truncating its singular value decomposition (SVD). Mathematically, we have
where the singular values $\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_n$ are non-negative and arranged in decreasing order. (For simplicity I am assuming that for $x_i\in\mathbb{R}^m$ the number of vectors is at least $n\geq m$. Otherwise the sum will have $m$ terms.) If we truncate the sum at $K<n$, then we get a "rank $K$ approximation" $\hat{Y}_K$ to the matrix $Y=\hat{Y}_n$. The truncated SVD is optimal in the sense that it minimizes the Frobenius norm of the reconstruction error $\|\hat{Y}_K-Y\|_F^2$.
The squared Frobenius norm is just the sum of the squares of all the entries of a matrix. In particular, for the scaled matrix $Y$ we will always have $$\|Y\|_F^2=n$$
For any matrix, the Frobenius norm is also equal to the sum of the squares of the singular values. In particular, for the $K$-rank approximation $\hat{Y}_K$ we have
So we can define an "order $K$ coefficient of determination" as
A simple option would be to just use the first singular value, i.e.
The maximum similarity would be for $n$ parallel vectors (i.e. scalar multiples of a single vector), giving $R_1^2=1$. The minimum similarity would be for $n$ orthogonal vectors, giving $R_1^2=\frac{1}{n}$.
A few final notes:
- The first singular value $\sigma_1$ can be computed via an iterative method, so no detailed SVD need be computed. (Similar to PageRank; e.g.
in Matlab.)
- To get a similarity that can range over the entire [0,1] interval, you could simply normalize, i.e.
- So in Matlab the similarity function could be defined via
CosSimN = @(Y) (svds(Y,1)^2-1)/(size(Y,2)-1)
, if we assume that $Y$ is already available as input.
- For $n=2$ the above will reduce to the absolute value of the standard cosine similarity.