A 2D demo with toy data will be used to explain what was happening for perfect separation on logistic regression with and without regularization. The experiments started with an overlapping data set and we gradually move two classes apart. The objective function contour and optima (logistic loss) will be shown in the right sub figure. The data and the linear decision boundary are plotted in left sub figure.
First we try the logistic regression without regularization.
- As we can see with the data moving apart, the objective function (logistic loss) is changing dramatically, and the optim is moving away to a larger value.
- When we have completed the operation, the contour will not be a "closed shape". At this time, the objective function will always be smaller when the solution moves to upper right comer.
Next we try logistic regression with L2 regularization (L1 is similar).
With the same setup, adding a very small L2 regularization will change the objective function with respect to the separation of the data.
In this case, we will always have the "convex" objective. No matter how much separation the data has.
code (I also use same code for this answer: Regularization methods for logistic regression)
d=mlbench::mlbench.2dnormals(100, 2, r=1)
x = d$x
y = ifelse(d$classes==1, 1, 0)
logistic_loss <- function(w){
p = plogis(x %*% w)
L = -y*log(p) - (1-y)*log(1-p)
LwR2 = sum(L) + lambda*t(w) %*% w
logistic_loss_gr <- function(w){
p = plogis(x %*% w)
v = t(x) %*% (p - y)
return(c(v) + 2*lambda*w)
w_grid_v = seq(-10, 10, 0.1)
w_grid = expand.grid(w_grid_v, w_grid_v)
lambda = 0
opt1 = optimx::optimx(c(1,1), fn=logistic_loss, gr=logistic_loss_gr, method="BFGS")
z1 = matrix(apply(w_grid,1,logistic_loss), ncol=length(w_grid_v))
lambda = 5
opt2 = optimx::optimx(c(1,1), fn=logistic_loss, method="BFGS")
z2 = matrix(apply(w_grid,1,logistic_loss), ncol=length(w_grid_v))
plot(d, xlim=c(-3,3), ylim=c(-3,3))
abline(0, -opt1$p2/opt1$p1, col='blue', lwd=2)
abline(0, -opt2$p2/opt2$p1, col='black', lwd=2)
contour(w_grid_v, w_grid_v, z1, col='blue', lwd=2, nlevels=8)
contour(w_grid_v, w_grid_v, z2, col='black', lwd=2, nlevels=8, add=T)
points(opt1$p1, opt1$p2, col='blue', pch=19)
points(opt2$p1, opt2$p2, col='black', pch=19)