I have an $n\times p$ matrix, where $p$ is the number of genes and $n$ is the number of patients. Anyone whose worked with such data knows that $p$ is always larger than $n$. Using feature selection I have gotten $p$ down to a more reasonable number, however $p$ is still greater than $n$.
I would like to compute the similarity of the patients based on their genetic profiles; I could use the euclidean distance, however Mahalanobis seems more appropriate as it accounts for the correlation among the variables. The problem (as noted in this post) is that Mahalanobis distance, specifically the covariance matrix, doesn't work when $n < p$. When I run Mahalanobis distance in R, the error I get is:
Error in solve.default(cov, ...) : system is computationally
singular: reciprocal condition number = 2.81408e-21
So far to try solve this, I've used PCA and instead of using genes, I use components and this seems to allow me to compute the Mahalanobis distance; 5 components represent about 80% of the variance, so now $n > p$.
My questions are: Can I use PCA to meaningfully get the Mahalanobis distance between patients, or is it inappropriate? Are there alternative distance metrics that work when $n < p$ and there is also much correlation among the $n$ variables?
could break the variable correlations, unless you use something like an oblique rotation. I'm also not sure how the variance apportioning inPCA
will affect the Mahalanobis distance between similar patients. $\endgroup$PCA
work, I am curious as to whether any distance metric can be used on the outputs. $\endgroup$