The following is from Section 2.2 of the Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes paper,
It says the gradient of the lower bound w.r.t $\phi$ is a bit problematic because the Monte Carlo estimator exhibits very high variance.
Why? Is it because sampling from $q_\phi(z|x)$ is of high variance? What about the gradient w.r.t $\theta$? $$\nabla_\theta E_{q_\phi(z|x)}[\log p_\theta(x|z)]=E_{q_\phi(z|x)}[\nabla_\theta\log p_\theta(x|z)]$$ Why is this not described as problematic?
A note to myself
My original confusion was that since the expectation is essentially an integral,
$$\int_z q_\phi(z)f_\theta(z)$$
why its derivative w.r.t $\phi$ is more difficult than the derivative w.r.t $\theta$?
Now I seem to understand that the gradient w.r.t $\theta$ can be approximated approximate it by sampling from distribution $q_\phi(z)$, whereas $f_\theta(z)$ is not a distribution so we cannot do the same for $\phi$.
As an alternative we may use the log derivative trick as mentioned in the paper, but it's usually of high variance (as mentioned in the accepted answer).