Okay, so I have simultaneously fitted 6 sets of data, with the same slope and different offsets:
def poly(x_, a, b, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6):
#all this is just to split x_data into the original parts of x
l= len(x[0])
l1= len(x[1])
l2= len(x[2])
l3= len(x[3])
l4= len(x[4])
l5= len(x[5])
a= np.hstack([
a*x_[:l]**2 + b*x_[:l] +c1,
a*x_[l:(s)]**2 + b*x_[l:(s)] +c2,
a*x_[(s):(s1)]**2 + b*x_[(s):(s1)] +c3,
a*x_[(s1):(s2)]**2 + b*x_[(s1):(s2)] +c4,
a*x_[(s2):(s3)]**2 + b*x_[(s2):(s3)] +c5,
a*x_[(s3):(s4)]**2 + b*x_[(s3):(s4)] +c6
#print a
return a
x_data = np.hstack([x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],x[5]])
y_data = np.hstack([y[0],y[1],y[2],y[3],y[4],y[5]])
yerr_data = np.hstack([yerr[0],yerr[1],yerr[2],yerr[3],yerr[4],yerr[5]])
(a, b, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6), pcov= curve_fit(poly, x_data, y_data,sigma=yerr_data,absolute_sigma=True)
ny_data = poly(x_data,a, b, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6)
The code is crude, but it does the job... In the end I have 6 fitted curves. Now if I want to characterise the goodness of fit I wish to find the chi-squared and p-value of the fit. I calculate this using:
r_chi= (np.sum(((ny_data - y_data) ** 2)/yerr_data))/(len(y_data)-8-1)
print r_chi
So I calculate the chi-squared and divide by (data length - number of parameters - 1).
The end result is r_chi = 0.0513125529638
I have a feeling I'm doing something wrong, any suggestions?