In general, finding a CDF requires solving inequalities.
Recall the definition: the distribution function (CDF) of any random variable $X$ is defined to be the function that sends real numbers $x$ into the probability that $X$ does not exceed $x$:
$$F_X(x) = \Pr(X \le x).$$
The event $X \le x$ is a shorthand for the set of all observations $\omega\in\Omega$ for which the value $X(\omega)$ does not exceed $x$:
$$``X \le x" = \{\omega\in\Omega\,|\,X(\omega)\le x\}.$$
The special twist in this question concerns how $X$ is described: it is given by two separate formulas. Let's begin by making some simplifying observations:
When $0 \le \omega \lt 1$, $X(\omega)=\omega$ so $0 \le X(\omega) \lt 1$.
When $1\le \omega \lt 2$, $X(\omega)=\omega-1$ so $0 \le X(\omega) \lt 1$.
Therefore all values of $X$ lie between $0$ and $1$. Consequently
When $x \lt 0$, there are no $\omega$ for which $X(\omega)\lt 0$, whence $$F_X(x) = \mathbb{P}(X(\omega) \le x) = \mathbb{P}(\emptyset) = 0.$$
When $x \ge 1$, $X(\omega) \le x$ for all $\omega\in \Omega$. Therefore $$F_x(x) = \mathbb{P}(X(\omega) \le x) = \mathbb{P}(\Omega) = 1.$$
That leaves us with the case $0 \le x \lt 1$. To describe the event $X(\omega)\le x$ in this case, the formula for $X$ gives us two possibilities to work with. We have to consider them both.
Suppose $0\le \omega \lt 1$. Then $\omega = X(\omega) \le x$ shows that $0 \le \omega \le x$ are all possible solutions.
Suppose $1\le \omega \lt 2$. Then $\omega-1 = X(\omega) \le x$ shows that $1 \le \omega \le 1+x$ also are all possible solutions, in addition to any found in (1).
Collectively, the solutions are the union of these two sets, conveniently written
$$`` X(\omega)\le x" = [0, x] \cup [1, 1+x].$$
It remains only to find the probability of this set. To that end, invoke the axioms of probability. Since $0 \le x \lt 1$, these are disjoint sets. Therefore their probabilities add:
$$\mathbb{P}([0, x] \cup [1, 1+x]) = \mathbb{P}([0, x]) + \mathbb{P}([1,1+x]).\tag{1}$$
That is as far as the problem can be taken, because $\mathbb{P}$ is perfectly general: no formula for it has been supplied. In fact, we don't even know whether $X$ is continuous, because that would depend on what $\mathbb{P}$ is.
It might be worthwhile at this juncture to reflect on what has occurred. Using only the axioms of probability and the definition of a distribution function, the question of finding $F_X$ has been reduced to the purely algebraic problem of solving inequalities. The piecewise definition of $X$ doesn't really complicate anything: it merely makes us work harder, because we have to find the solutions separately for each piece of the definition of $X$.
About the only "trick" involved--kind readers might call it "wisdom"--was the preliminary assessment of what range of possible values of $x$ it was necessary to consider. That is, by first looking at the maximum and minimum values of $X$, we were able to limit the possible values of $x$ that required any calculation. All others were guaranteed to give values of either $0$ or $1$ for $F_X$.
To illustrate, let me offer two concrete examples.
Example 1: Uniform probability on $\Omega$
By "uniform" I mean that the probability of any interval $[a,b]\subset\Omega$ is proportional to its length $b-a$. Since the total probability of $\Omega$ is proportional to $2-0=2$, this means $$\mathbb{P}([a,b]) = \frac{1}{2}(b-a).$$ Plugging this into $(1)$ gives
$$F_X(x) =\mathbb{P}([0, x]) + \mathbb{P}([1,1+x]) = \frac{1}{2}(x-0) + \frac{1}{2}(1+x-1) = x$$
for $0 \le x \lt 1$. (Recall that $F_X(x) = 1$ when $x\ge 1$ and $F_X(x)=0$ for $x \lt 0$.) Because $F_X$ is continuous, $X$ is a continuous variable.
Example 2: Discrete (counting) probability on $\Omega$
Pick two numbers in $\Omega$, say $2/3$ and $3/2$. They form the set $N=\{2/3,3/2\}\subset\Omega$. For any subset of $\mathcal{A}\subset\Omega$, let $$|N \cap \mathcal{A}|$$ count how many elements of $N$ lie in $\mathcal{A}$. Then--you can verify all the axioms--the set function
$$\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{A}) = \frac{1}{2}|N \cap \mathcal{A}|$$
is a probability defined on any sigma algebra of $\Omega$. The formula $(1)$ becomes
$$F_X(x) = \mathbb{P}([0, x]) + \mathbb{P}([1,1+x]) = \cases{ \matrix{0, & x \lt 1/2 \\ 1/2, & 1/2 \le x \le 2/3 \\ 1, & x \ge 2/3.}}$$
Because $F_X$ is everywhere horizontal except at (two) isolated jumps, $X$ is a discrete variable. It could model a fair coin with values $1/2$ and $2/3$ assigned to its faces.