I got this question as an exercise, and I frankly don't know where to begin:
Consider the deterministic variant of the k−means++ algorithm where the set of initial centroids are selected in the following way. Let $X$ be a set of points in $\mathbb R^d$ given in input. The first centroid is chosen arbitrarily in $X$. Then at step $t$, given the set of centroids $C_t = \{ c_1, \dots, c_t \}$, $(1 ≤ t ≤ k − 1)$ selected up to step t, we select the point at maximum distance from the centroids in $C_t$. Formally, we choose the point $p \in X$ such that $\min_{c \in C_t} d(c, p)$ is maximum (if there are multiple choices we pick one of them arbitrarily). Give an example where such a variant of k-means++ does not perform well, i.e. it computes a set of centroids with SSE much larger than the optimum solution. Compare the performance of such a variant of k-means++ with the original k-means++ algorithm.