I have two groups of patients undergoing different treatments (active versus placebo), followed up at 3 different time points (time 1, time 2, time 3). The outcomes are categorical (improvement vs no improvement) so I know I should not use repeated-measures ANOVA. What is the appropriate test to use? I use SPSS for analysis.
2 Answers
A generalized linear mixed model is appropriate, binomial distribution and logit link. Your response is essentially binary (1 or 0) improved or did not. I would use a fixed effects of treatment (placebo or not) , time period and their interaction. Random effect of patient. This can be used to assess the probability of improvement or not, accounting for repeat measures on a patient.
I use r and sas, but below is a helpful link.
link for how to do glmm's in spss
you want to select binary logistic instead of multinomial
We can use chi-square tes. We use this test to see if there is any relationship between two categorical variables. In SPSS chi-square tes is called chisq
$\begingroup$ Perhaps I couldn't make my point clear in the previous question. I used mixed model ANOVA for comparison of continuous variables at three time points. Now I want to make comparison of proportions improved between the two groups of treatment at time 2 and time 3. Should I make this comparison separately at time 2 and time 3 using chi-square test? $\endgroup$– amjadCommented Nov 3, 2016 at 18:14