Lately I've been trying to model the probability of success for an event given it's location. Basically, the data I have consists of locations in x and y coordinates, and a corresponding value of 1 or 0 (indicating success or failure). When I bin the events into boxes and calculate their average success rate for that bin, I get:
My goal is to smooth this out, as there is obviously some noise in here. I've tried multiple methods (nonlinear regression, logit model, mgcv package) of which none seemed to give a proper smooth. For example, a full tensor product smooth from the binomial family (using the mgcv package), yielded this result:
This is kind of in the right direction, but it does seem to underfit the very high probabilities around the 'white' area. Upping the degrees of freedom (currently 15) in the model is limited due to computatoinal complexity.
I've been trying to get a more accurate model of the probabilities for some weeks without success. Any tips/ideas on how to improve this? (I'm using R at the moment.)
. Other than this, for an answer I guess we would need more domain knowledge. What physical/social system are you modeling? Are events independent? Etc. $\endgroup$