I have a number of studies examining the impact of corporate diversification ($D$) on firm value ($Q$) using standard regression models like:
$$Q_{it} = \beta_1 + \beta_2D+\gamma X'+u_{it} \tag 1$$
The subscripts indicate the time ($t$) and the firm ($i$). $X'$ is a vector of control variables. I am interested in the value of the coefficient $\beta_2$, which shows the "diversification premium" ($DP$).
The functional forms of the regression models above are somewhat different across studies. In detail, four different types are observable:
- Linear model as above
- Log-linear model, i.e. the dependent variable is $log(Q_{it})$
- $D$ is a dummy variable with 1 indicating a diversified firm and 0 indicating a non-diversified firm
- $D$ is a continuous variable measuring the degree of diversification
My aim is to make the estimates for $\beta_2$ comparable across the four types of cases mentioned above. Thus I want to convert $\beta_2$ such that it shows the value premium of diversification, i.e. the percentage change of firm value for a diversified firm (if $D$ is a dummy) or for an average diversification level ($D$ is a continuous variable). I want to use the following transformations:
- If $D$ is a dummy & Linear model (as in Equation (1)) -> $DP = \beta_2(1/\bar{Q})$
- If $D$ is a dummy & Log-linear model with $log(Q_{it})$ -> $DP = EXP(\beta_2)-1$
- If $D$ is a continuous measure & Linear model (as in Equation (1) -> $DP = \beta_2(\bar{D}/\bar{Q})$
- If $D$ is a continuous measure & Log-linear model with $log(Q_{it})$ -> $DP = EXP(\beta_2\bar{D})-1$
As I am not totally familiar with transformations of regression coefficients from models with different functional forms, I want to ask if these transformations are correct?