Thank you for taking a look at my question!
Here's some background info: my employer has a lot of (very confidential) data on numerous corporations, both public and private, across a wide range of industries.
I was exploring some departmental cost data, and have some questions about the results of my analysis. I have access to the departmental cost per end user and total number of end users for a few hundred companies. So for company ABC Inc., it might be \$1000 per end user, with 275 end users, for a total department cost of \$275,000.
My first attempt to build a simple regression model for this data resulted in $ln(\text{Total Cost}) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 ln(\text{End Users})$
The model looked great! R-squared around 0.8, residuals appeared approximately normal (histogram and quantile quantile plot), and the residuals vs fitted plot did not display heteroskedasticity! Also, the log-log model has a pretty straight forward interpretation of the slope coefficient.
As my boss was interested in determining if economies of scale were present for the cost per end user data, I back-transformed the fitted values (no worries, I DID NOT back transform any confidence intervals. I know that's a no-no) using the exponential, and then divided each fitted cost by the end-users to get an estimate of cost per end user.
Plotting this data against the observed cost per end user vs end user scatter plot yielded a curve that fit the trend in the data quite nicely! Cost per end user decreases (with a decreasing rate) as end users increases.
However, when I attempt to perform regression with cost per end user as the response and end users as the predictor, no transforms yield a linear relationship, and the regression models all have R-squared around 0.07.
Why is this the case when the relationship between total cost and end users is modeled almost perfectly by the log-log model? I'm sure there's something from math stats that I'm forgetting.
I worry that my analysis is erroneous due to something that I'm not aware of.
Thanks for any tips!
Edit: picture added per my comment to Whuber. Axis values removed to help preserve confidentiality of data. My employer takes that stuff very seriously.
ln(CostPerUser*EndUsers) = b0 + b1*ln(EndUsers)
. It is rather obvious that it will have high R-square. But why do you expect that modelsln(CostPerUser) = b0' + b1'*ln(EndUsers)
orCostPerUser = b0'' + b1''*EndUsers
also will have high R-square? $\endgroup$