I have somewhat extensive experience in meta-analysis, but remain an avid reader on this topic.
I am thus wondering, which is the best book to learn meta-analysis in general?
And which books are the best for selected topics, e.g. diagnostic meta-analysis, individual patient data meta-analysis, Bayesian meta-analysis, and network meta-analysis, just to name a few?
This is not a banal question, as a simple Amazon search returns more than 900 results.
Interestingly, Amazon suggests as most relevant Introduction to Meta-Analysis by Borenstein and Hedges, whilst the first for feedback is The Handbook of Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis by Cooper and Hedges. Google Books instead lists first Meta-Analysis in Social Research by Glass, McGaw, and Smith, whereas Google Scholar clearly establishes the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions by Higgins and Green as the most quoted one.