I would like to run the Mann-Whitney U for two groups with sizes 65 and 10, where I essentially want to compare scores on some measure between two different groups.
I have two questions regarding the mannwhitneyu function in python's scipy stats library:
- First of all, the documentation says:
Use only when the number of observation in each sample is > 20 and you have 2 independent samples of ranks. Mann-Whitney U is significant if the u-obtained is LESS THAN or equal to the critical value of U.
So I assume I can't use it since the size of my second sample is < 20. The only alternative I know is where both sample sizes < 20, where we manually calculate $U$, and then compare the test statistic against a table of critical values. However, the only tables I can find are where both sample sizes are < 20.
So is there a version of Mann-Whitney U I can use for these sample sizes (preferably with implementation in python)? Or should I use an entirely different test, such as Mood's Median test?
My second question is a bit more general regarding the mannwhitneyu in scipy:
- It seems to output the test statistic $U$ and a $p-$value. So if you had sample sizes greater than 20, and you wanted to determine whether this result is statistically significant, is the $p-value$ that is outputted, the one for normalised $U$? I.e. it is the $p-$value for $z = \frac{U-m_u}{\sigma_u}$ ? So can you just read off this $p-$value to determine the statistical significance of the difference between the two groups? If so, what is the point of the function outputting $U$? What would you do with that information?