I have litte experience with GLMM's and I need to use Hurdle models for the first time. I'm not sure if I interpret the output correct. Also, are there any other parameters from the summary I should check before making conclusions?
Data Counts of insects caught in traps with 2 different luring products (A & B). The traps were emptied every 3-4 days for a few months. The sex and morph of the insects was determined. The df looks like this:
Date value morph sex product
2016-04-05 5 Winter M A
2016-04-05 1 Summer M A
2016-04-05 18 Winter F A
2016-04-05 3 Summer F A
The main questions are: Which product is better? Does this differ between morphs?
Model Because of excess zeros I used a Hurdle model. I have Date as random effect. The functionglmmADMB::glmmadmb()
can make hurdle models with mixed effects. For the truncated part neg.bin. was a lot better than poisson with AIC 890 vs 1400. After comparing AIC's, these are my final models:
# binairy part
hurP1 <- glmmadmb(as.numeric(data2$value > 0) ~ product * morph + (1 | Date),
data = data2, family = "binomial")
# truncated part
hurP2 <- glmmadmb(value ~ product * morph + sex + (1 | Date),
data = subset(data2, value > 0), family = "truncnbinom1")
# binairy part
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.0946 0.4612 0.21 0.838
productB -1.0569 0.4513 -2.34 0.019 *
morphWinter 0.1898 0.4361 0.44 0.663
productB:morphWinter -1.4064 0.6574 -2.14 0.032 *
# truncated part
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 2.473 0.210 11.76 < 2e-16 ***
sexM 0.436 0.134 3.25 0.00117 **
productB -0.105 0.161 -0.66 0.51245
morphWinter -0.719 0.189 -3.80 0.00015 ***
productB:morphWinter -0.619 0.324 -1.91 0.05569 .
My interpretation From the binairy model I understand there are less often insects caught (regardless of number) in B traps and this result is even stronger for winter morphs. The truncated model I find more difficult. Anyway I do understand that 1) significantly more males are caught 2) sign. less winter morphs are caught. I assume the intercept means that I have the highest number of summer females in product A?
Am I interpreting it correct? Any corrections and other insights are welcome!