I am performing a meta-analysis on the response of rodent abundance to clear-cut logging. I have data from multiple sites, across multiple years, and for different species of rodents, and am using these data to compare the abundance of rodents in clear-cuts to the abundance of rodents in un-logged nearby 'control' sites.
The predictor variable is the size of the clearcut (e.g, 1ha, 2ha, etc.). The response variable is calculated as the proportional difference in abundance, between the treatment (i.e., clear-cut) site, $N_T$, and the control site, $N_C$, as follows: $$R = \frac{(N_T-N_C)}{(N_T+N_C)}$$ This response variable is a common choice in meta-analyses, and results in a variable that is bounded between -1 and 1.
I am wondering if there is a regression model that can model this relationship, something similar to a logistic regression model. A simple linear regression could work, but I'm wondering if there are other choices. If possible, I would prefer to use a model that does not require me to transform the data.