For the differential entropy there also exists another, more mathematical interpretation, which is closely related to the bit-interpretation for the entropy.
The differential entropy describes the equivalent side length (in logs) of the set that contains most of the probability of the distribution.
This is nicely illustrated and explained in Theorem 8.2.3 in Elements of Information Theory by Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas
Intuitive Explanation
In non-rigorous terms, this statement means the following:
Let's assume we have a multivariate probability distribution with entropy $h$.
The side length of a volume that entails most of the probability mass of this distribution (apart from a negligible amount), can be described by some volume.
If we assume we describe this volume by some hypercube with sides of equal length (= equivalent side lengths), then this side length is equal to $2^h$.
Intuitively this means, that if we have a low entropy, the probability mass of the distribution is confined to a small area.
Vice versa, high entropy tells us that the probability mass is spread widely across a large area.
Mathematical View
In actual notation, the theorem states the following
$1 - \epsilon 2^{n(h(X) - \epsilon)} \leq \text{Vol}(A_{\epsilon}^{(n)}) \leq 2^{n(h(X) + \epsilon)}$,
where $X$ is a random variable with the distribution of interest, $\epsilon$ is a real number, $A_{\epsilon}^{(n)}$ is a set, $h(X)$ is the differential entropy of $X$ and $n$ (required to be large) is the dimension of $X$.
This implies that "$A_{\epsilon}^{(n)}$ is the smallest volume set with probability $1-\epsilon$, to first order in the exponent." (Elements of Information Theory by Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas, Wiley, Second Edition, 2006)
Relation to entropy of discrete probability distributions
This interpretation of differential entropy is closely related to the entropy for discrete distributions.
Discrete Case: As OP stated, the entropy tells us how many bits are needed to encode a message given a probability distribution over words.
Continuous case: Here we are dealing with continuous support. For example, let's assume the support is on the real line $\mathbb{R}$. The differential entropy tells us, how long the interval on the real line has to be to capture almost all information contained in the probability distribution.
- If we have a widely spread distribution -> the entropy will be high
- If we have a sharp distribution, most probability mass will be in a small interval -> the entropy will be low.
Example with $N(0,1)$
The entropy of a standard normal distribution with $\sigma^2 = 1$ is
$\frac{1}{2}\text{ln}(2\pi \sigma^2) + \frac{1}{2} = \frac{1}{2}\text{ln}( 2 \pi) + \frac{1}{2}$
We can visualize this with a small code example in Python:
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ys = np.random.normal(size = 10000)
h = 0.5*np.log(2*np.pi*np.exp(1))
side_length = 2**h
sns.kdeplot(ys, fill = True)
plt.vlines(x = side_length/2, ymin = 0, ymax = 0.4, color = 'red', linestyles = 'dashed')
plt.vlines(x = -side_length/2, ymin = 0, ymax = 0.4, color = 'red', linestyles = 'dashed')
This side length captures a large portion of the probability mass in this distribution:
The interval between the red lines is $2^h$. As in this case $n$ is only 1 (and the Theorem above requires $n$ to be large), we can clearly see that the entropy is not exactly the equivalent side length of the volume that captures almost all probability mass.
This graph also explains why for the Gaussian, the mean does not affect the differential entropy: No matter where I shift the distribution to - the equivalent side length will stay the same and is only influenced by the variance.