The Maximum Likelihood estimator theory comes often with the the theoretical result on the variance:
$\sigma^2(\hat \theta_{MLE}) \sim -\left(E[\frac{\partial^2 log L(\theta=\theta_0)}{\partial^2 \theta}]\right)^{-1}$
, called the inverse of the Fisher information ($\theta_0$ are the unknown exact parameters). The proofs I saw of this result always consider the problem of estimating the parameters of an unknown distribution having at disposal $\{y_1,...y_T\}$, a sample of identically distributed and independent extractions. These kind of proofs to me do not seem to apply immediately to simple linear regression, where we try to fit the model:
$\hat y_i = \alpha x_i +\hat \epsilon_i$
and the sample here is extracted from variables $\{y_1,...y_T\}$ which are independent but not identically distributed (e.g. $E[\hat y_i]=\alpha x_i$). Nevertheless, MLE theory is used to derive formulas of linear regression and also their variance.
Where can I find a presentation of MLE which applies directly to linear regression problems? (or maybe understand why the standard presentation applies...)