First let me show this picture of my HMM Model.
Experimentally I get the High and Low values, whereas the states {|-1>, |0>, |1>} are unknown. Although I know that when I measure High signal I have |-1>. Also transition from |-1> to |1> are forbidden.
I heard that using a Markov Model here might be good to analyze a given time trace and get information about the hidden states. If I understand the Idea correctly the HMM gives me the most likely time trace given some transition probabilities. Then I optimize this time trace regarding my missing transition parameters ?
I'm glad for any help you can provide me. Also for good resources on how to implement Baum-Welch or Viterbi.
Okay thanks for the comment.
My question is:
What is the best and most time efficient way to get the transition rates between the hidden states ?