I'm trying to compute the power of a proportion test by hand. The null and alternative hypotheses are below and I'm using a significance level, $\alpha$ = 0.05
$H_0: p_1 = p_2$
$H_a: p_1 \neq p_2$
Let's assume the true value of $p_1$ = 0.69 and that the true value of $p_2$ = 0.68. Based on this, we can calculate the estimator of $p_i$ as:
$\hat{P}_i$ = $X_i/n$ where $X_i \sim~ B(n, p_i)$. Here $B$ is the Binomial distribution parameterized by the sample size, $n$ and the probability, $p_i$
I went ahead and simulated both distributions as follows:
p_1 <- 0.69
p_2 <- 0.68
num_samples <- 10000
sample_size <- 10000
p_1_hat <- rbinom(num_samples, size = sample_size, prob = p_1)/sample_size
p_2_hat <- rbinom(num_samples, size = sample_size, prob = p_2)/sample_size
Now to calculate power, I first find out the 0.025 and 0.975 quantile of $\hat{P}_1$ as follows:
> quantile(p_1_hat, c(0.025, 0.975))
2.5% 97.5%
0.6809 0.6990
At this point, the power calculation should be straightforward:
> pnorm(quantile(p_1_hat, 0.025), p_2, sd(p_2_hat)) +
+ pnorm(quantile(p_1_hat, 0.975), p_2, sd(p_2_hat), lower.tail = FALSE)
Unfortunately, this does not match with the output from the pwr
> library(pwr)
> pwr.2p.test(ES.h(p_1, p_2), n = sample_size)
Difference of proportion power calculation for binomial distribution (arcsine transformation)
h = 0.0215284
n = 10000
sig.level = 0.05
power = 0.3310592
alternative = two.sided
NOTE: same sample sizes
Where am I going wrong? A plot of the way I'm trying to calculate power is shown below. I'm trying to find the area to the left of the vertical line near 0.68 and to the right of the vertical line near 0.70 (practically zero). Isn't that what power is?
Edit: Calculations using the arcsine transform based on gammer's comments.
p_1_hat_asin <- asin(sqrt(p_1_hat))
p_2_hat_asin <- asin(sqrt(p_2_hat))
> pnorm(quantile(p_1_hat_asin, 0.025), mean(p_2_hat_asin), sd(p_2_hat_asin))
? Be more careful. $\endgroup$p_1 = 0.69; p_2 = 0.68
;greater = 1-pnorm(.0138, mean=asin(sqrt(p_1))-asin(sqrt(p_2)), sd=sqrt(1/20000));
less = pnorm(-.0138, mean=ap_1-ap_2, sd=sqrt(1/20000));
greater + less;
are the same asasin(sqrt(p_1))
. Not sure why I re-calculated them in the first call topnorm
. Oh well. Anyway, hope that helps. $\endgroup$