So here is how I initially made the data:
## libraries and purpose
## main
#how many trials per sample-size
N_tests <- 3000
#list of sample sizes
N_samp <- c(seq(from=5, to=25, by=1),
seq(from=30, to=100, by=5))
#range of separation (dx)
separation <- seq(from=2.5,to=6.5,length.out=100)
err_sum <- matrix(0,nrow = length(separation),ncol=length(N_samp))
#main loop
for(k in 1:length(N_samp)){
for(i in 1:length(separation)){
target <- c(,N_samp[k]),,N_samp[k]))
err <- numeric(length(target)/2)
for (j in 1:N_tests){
#make data
x<-c(rnorm(N_samp[k],mean = 0,sd=1),
rnorm(N_samp[k],mean=separation[i],sd=1) )
#cluster it
distance = "euclidean",,,
method = "ward.D2",
index = "ccc")
#count misclassification
idx <- which(res$Best.partition - target != 0, arr.ind = T)
if (length(idx)==0){
err[j] <- 0
} else {
err[j] <- length(idx)/length(target)
err_sum[i,k] <- mean(err)
data1 <- data.frame(separation,err_sum)
for (i in 1:(length(N_samp))){
names(data1)[1+i] <- paste("n_", as.character(N_samp[i]),sep="")
zidx <- which(data1[,i+1]>= 1/N_samp[i])
zval <- (0*data1[,i+1])
zval[zidx] <- 1
data1 <- cbind(data1,zval)
names(data1)[ncol(data1)] <- paste("z_", as.character(N_samp[i]),sep="")
for (i in 1:(length(N_samp))){
dzval <- c(0, diff(data1[,37+i]))
data1 <- cbind(data1,dzval)
names(data1)[ncol(data1)] <- paste("dz_", as.character(N_samp[i]),sep="")
write.csv(x = data1,file = "myout.csv")
This gave me a csv file, which I imported into JMP, stacked the DZ columns, looked for non-zero values, and then averaged them to get a table of separation that has 50/50 likelihood of not containing a mis-classification, and then fit it in the bivariate platform as shown here:
I think the log-log domain, third order polynomial fit is the best one. I don't believe it is much more than a transformed version of a taylor series approximation to the truth, but it is what I have.
$ dx \left( N,P \right) |_{P = 50 \%} = e^{1.3989 - 0.1221 \cdot ln \left(N\right) + 0.07444 \cdot ln \left(N\right)^{2} - 0.007329 \cdot ln \left(N\right)^{3}}$
And yes, I used the level of local oscillations in the spline to determine a decent fit parameter. Someday I will apply a Fourier method to it to find the best parameter, or I will find someone else who has done it, but until then I will use it as an "eyeball norm" to augment fit parameters.
The sampling delta for x was about 0.04 units. I would expect error in the mean to be on that scale. I would also expect the trendline error to be less than that.
cubic cluster[ing] criterion fails at least 50% of the time
What's that operationally? CCC does not give descrete decision "yes' or "no", in what sense then can it "fail"? $\endgroup$