I think it is not safe to say that the AUC is insensitive to class imbalance, as it introduces some confusion to the reader. In case you mean that the score itself doesn't detect class imbalance, that's wrong, that's why the AUC is there. In case you mean insensitive such that changes in the class distribution don't have influence on calculating the AUC, that's true.
I happened to be prompted about this by my supervisor. In fact, that's literally the advantage of using the AUC as classification measure in comparison to others (e.g. accuracy). AUC tells you your model's performance pretty much, while addressing the issue of class imbalance. To be scientifically safe, I'd rather say it is insensitive to changes in class distribution.
For example, and to make this as simple as possible, let's take a look at a binary classification problem where the positive class is dominant.
Say, we have a sample distribution and a randomly-predicting model with default accuracy 0.8 (predicts positive constantly without even looking at the data). You can see that this model will return a high accuracy score, although its precision is rather low $$Precision = \frac{TP}{TP+FP}$$because the number of false positives will grow and therefore the denominator is larger ...
What the AUC on the other hand does, is that it notifies you that you have several wrongly classified positives $FP$ despite the fact that you have a high accuracy because of the dominant class, and therefore it would return a low score in this case.
I hope I made this clear!
If you are interested in AUC changes with different class distributions or AUC analysis for other classification tasks, I would definitely recommend you Fawcett's paper on ROC curve analysis. One of the best out there and easily put.