Suppose you observe vector $X_i$ of independent variables, and $y_i$ dependent variables, with likelihood $l\left(\theta;X_i,y_i\right)$. Assume the $y_i$ are independent. Furthermore assume you are given positive weights, $w_i$ which are arbitrary, and compute the weighted Maximum Likelihood Estimator (WMLE?): $$ \hat{\theta} = \arg \max_{\theta} \sum_{1\le i\le n} w_i \log l\left(\theta;X_i,y_i\right). $$ What is the distribution of the WMLE, $\hat{\theta}$?
If I may complicate the question further without splitting it in two, there are two cases to consider:
- The $w_i$ are completely independent of the $X_i$ and $y_i$.
- The $w_i$ depend on the dependent variable $y_i$ in some way (perhaps deterministic or stochastic.)